Orphan Black

Orphan Black is not just another series I have been watching on Netflix. It is one of the best, if not the best, show I have watched on Netflix. And Michiel Huismans plays a recurring role in the series - need I say more?!

At the start of the series, Sarah uncovers a huge secret about her life. She is a clone and part of a group of clones. An enormous compelling conspiracy.

The plot twists and turns whilst the suspense grows. As questions are answered, more are posed. Meanwhile the show's captivating world grows bigger by the episode. The story contains just enough intrigue and danger to let you sleep peacefully. All the while, the series raises issues about the moral and ethics of cloning and its effect on issues of personal identity. The show is both addictive and compelling; Orphan Black is definitely worth several hours of your time!

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Floor Anna

Welcome to Floor Anna, a personal blog about fashion, home and lifestyle written by Floor (although official documents state Anna). A twentysomething Personal Assistant living in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Some would say I am a couponer, I would argue I just like to get the most out of life.