BBB/Bike Beach Beer in Zandvoort

As you sometimes need to challenge yourself to do new things, I organised a bike ride from Haarlem to Zandvoort including lunch. A very bourgeois activity one might argue, but very satisfying nevertheless - bike, beach, beer - need I say more? We had a great time biking and enjoyed the best spot at beachclub Tijn Akersloot in Zandvoort. Tijn's apple crumble is famous for a reason *nomnomnomnom*...

Good(s) for less
Tijn has a special offer in cooperation with Flair magazine; prosecco, large salad and Tijn's famous apple crumble for €15. A list of all participating beach bars can be found here, offer valid until October 31st, 2015.

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Floor Anna

Welcome to Floor Anna, a personal blog about fashion, home and lifestyle written by Floor (although official documents state Anna). A twentysomething Personal Assistant living in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Some would say I am a couponer, I would argue I just like to get the most out of life.